Building a
New Majority
in the South
By supporting candidates
who stand for racial justice and
advance human rights for all people.

By supporting candidates
who stand for racial justice and
advance human rights for all people.
The march for racial justice and civil rights continues. From filing strategic lawsuits to passing progressive legislation to empowering community activism, the tactics for achieving a more just and equitable democracy are as diverse as the nation we strive to improve. But this hard work for change is getting even harder.
Partisan and racial gerrymandering allows right-wing extremists to claim unearned power at all levels of government. Restrictive voting laws place barriers between Black and Brown voters and the ballot box. Elected officials, including judges, blatantly ignore the popular demands of their constituents.
New Southern Majority IE PAC will work to build political power for communities of color by supporting progressive candidates, especially Black and Brown citizens, running for local and county offices. We seek to help a new generation of leaders who represent the New American Majority win elected office in the South.